Thursday, November 19, 2009

It seems that I, indirectly flirt with guys...?

I tend to flirt with guys I dont mean to

I dont even know what flirting is.

Like I have an idea

but if i talk to this guy, people are like you're flirting

i didnt mean to

So, my question: what is flirting exactly? Signs? ways to not unintenionally flirt?

It seems that I, indirectly flirt with guys...?
Someone actually told me once that if a woman starts a conversation with me about any subject more complicated than, "What time is it?" then she's telling me she's interested in a relationship with me. I was amazed when I heard that, didn't really believe it, and I think it's very sad if it's true. So to answer your question more directly, my definition of flirting (I haven't looked it up) is somehow conveying the message to someone that you're interested in maybe being their girlfriend. Body language can certainly be interpreted that way (smiling, looking at someone, then turning away, then looking back at them, touching them), laughing at their jokes, and generally doing or saying things that might give the idea you think the other person is attractive.

But the bigger question is, Is it all your responsibility to control other people's impressions of you? I don't think so. As long as you're not manipulating someone who is vulnerable because he likes you, but you don't care about him, I don't think it's fair of people to blame you for *his* feelings. I think the best thing you can do is clearly tell someone you think may be misinterpreting your behavior what your boundaries are in a relationship with them.
Reply:yes may be
Reply:My best girl friend is the same way. There is really no way to stop doing it. A million people have told her and shes tried to stop but she just does it again and again without even knowing it. So good luck and be ready to deal with women getting mad at you sometimes.
Reply:Too much friend ship with several person keeping them waiting them in hope of Friends and dating may be part of flirt. Don't have any physical relations with any body and don't have any gft from any one otherwise you will be cheated physically also.
Reply:omg i have the same problem.
Reply:HEY! are you flirting with me? when i read your question i sensed that you were
Reply:Flirting is displaying motives to your target guy that you like him. Leading him on to small sexy talks or even glancing would do with your irresistible smile.

If you dont want to flirt , just act normal and be yourself.
Reply:you stop that right now...

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