Monday, November 16, 2009

To flirt or not to flirt?

Do you like to flirt or be flirted w/ even when NOTHING is going to come of it?

To flirt or not to flirt?
Flirting is fun...ah the temptation
Reply:It's all new to me, and I'm learning to LOVE it
Reply:YEs absolutely. In a lot of situations it' a good ice breaker.
Reply:I awalys flirt !!
Reply:i flirt. no harm done.
Reply:to be flirted and filrt if the party is open.
Reply:Usually when i flirt there is gona to come something of it

Actually i never flirted and nothing came of it
Reply:i Flirt all the time
Reply:yes why not
Reply:i like when someone flirt with me,it brighten my day
Reply:Are you flirting with me? If so, please direct it towards my secretary. I am a very busy and very powerful man.
Reply:Well Im more of the "quiet" type my twin sis was always the "louder one".I think that saying something (flirting) isn't the best way to get someone to like you.What if thye lie about what they flirt about then the girl or guy will believe it and like them for that but jhate them when they see it's a lie.Onless they told truth.Otherwise then that i think flirting is fine and actually sometimes a competion.Yeah i flirt SOMETIMES

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